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From eNewsletter 9/18/2024

DID YOU KNOW that a study from Phytotherapy Research confirms what we have known for decades? Milk Thistle, or its active metabolite Silymarin, is nourishing and protective for the liver.

Results from the study suggest that silymarin ameliorates certain liver markers with hepatoprotective effects, specifically with long-term and high-dose supplementation.

To read the rest of today's issue, please to go this page.

From eNewsletter 9/16/2024

DID YOU KNOW that a study from Nutrition Reviews found that organic food intake had a beneficial impact in terms of reducing pesticide exposure, and the general effect on disease and functional changes (body mass index, male sperm quality) was appreciable? Just another reminder to choose organic whenever possible!

To read the rest of today's issue, please go to this page.

From eNewsletter 9/11/2024

DID YOU KNOW that you don't need to be a world-beater with exercise as long as you're not sedentary for most of the day?

Results from a new study in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism show that even low physical activity level combined with less than 6 hours daily of sedentary time reduces the risk for all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes. Whereas only moderate-rigorous physical activity benefits those sedentary for more than 6 hours each day.

The risks for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality were 64% and 66% higher, respectively, in the high sedentary behavior group than in the low sedentary behavior group. A stark reminder that you have to get up and move throughout the day. If you work in an office setting, get an adjustable desk. If at home, set a timer every 30-45 minutes to get up and move around.

To read the rest of today's issue, please go to this page.

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