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Bring Omegas Into Balance

From eNewsletter 1/8/2025

DID YOU KNOW that many prenatal supplements fall short? A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition checked the amounts of iodine in nonprescription and prescription prenatal vitamins. 

Among the most crucial nutrients for fetal development is iodine. The researchers tested a sample of 47 different prenatal vitamins (32 nonprescription and 15 prescription products) bought from online and local stores where people commonly shop.

When checking for iodine, they found most prenatal vitamins contain less than advertised, and very few provided the correct amount, with 53% of products listing iodine content, but only four (16%) products contained the claimed amount of iodine on the label.

This is most disappointing. Quality control and trust in brands is paramount. Luckily, all of the companies we work with provided lab assays to assure label claim is met!

To read the rest of today's issue, please go to this page.


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